275th Anniversary Installation Dinner, 9th February 2013.

St. Patrick's Masonic Lodge No. 77

The meeting was opened on the First or Entered Apprentice Degree of Freemasonry with Worshipful Master W. Bro. Alan Berry in the Chair. He welcomed everyone to this 275th Anniversary Installation Communication, especially our visiting Brethren.

The Worshipful Master welcomed Rt. W. Bro Richard Gray, Provincial Grand Master of Down, to Lodge 77 and invited him to take the Chair to conduct the business of the meeting. Rt. W. Bro. Gray thanked the Worshipful Master and Brethren for his warm welcome but on this occasion declined the offer and returned the maul to the Worshipful Master. He was then saluted according to antient custom.

Provincial Assistant Grand Master Rt. W. Bro. Harold Henning was also accorded the usual salute to which he suitably replied. All Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers past and present were then saluted in the usual manner.

The Worshipful Master had the great pleasure of welcoming Most Worshipful Bro. George Dunlop, Grand Master of Ireland, to Lodge 77 for the first time and invited him to take the Chair to conduct the business of the meeting, which he did for a short time. The Grand Master was saluted according to antient custom and he suitably replied.

A feature of Lodge 77’s meetings is the reading of the corresponding minute of 100 years ago. The minutes of 3rd February 1913 were very ably read by W. Bro. George McCaigue.

Installation of Officers: Before installing his successor W. Bro. Alan Berry thanked the Lodge for giving him the opportunity to serve as Worshipful Master and thanked everyone for their support throughout the year. He then proceeded to install W. Bro. Trevor Holmes in the most excellent manner. W. Bro. Holmes then installed all his Officers for the incoming year, who were all saluted in the customary manner.

Before the close of the meeting Fraternal Greetings were received from Lodges 23, 70, 78, 79, 80, 83, 105, 144, 172, 210, 249, 336, 409, 521, 696, 697, 978, St John’s Armagh and the Grand Lodge of Kansas. The visiting Brethren were accorded the usual salute to which they suitably replied.

The newly installed Officers of Lodge 77 with distinguished guests

Lodge 77 Officers and distinguished guests